To each technology
its time.

The answer is electric. Find out why the future at Rosenbauer is electrified.

Moving solutions thanks to
alternative drive concepts.

A shift is happening. In politics, society, various industries – yes, in everybody. As the market leader, we see it as our responsibility not only to support this positive trend but to expand it. That's why Rosenbauer is making a sustainable contribution to the fire industry: with battery-powered electric drive concepts. We see the future in "E-Mobility" as a synonym for alternative drive concepts.

E-Mobility thought through from A to Z.

150 years of experience combined with an eye on the future as well as knowledge & skills in trends and technology development. Solutions for tomorrow already today.

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Front view of the Rosenbauer RT on a bridge in an urban environment.

Convincing on paper and in operation.

This expertise is also valued overseas, specifically in Canada. Vancouver relies on the RTX.

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The RTX, the version of the RT adapted to American standards, pictured from an angled front view.

Changing today for a better tomorrow.

In the midst of climate change, we are aware of our function as a role model. We react to developments and offer future-oriented solutions.

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Side close-up of the Rosenbauer RT against the light.

Immediate impact in action.

Quiet and emission-free, both emergency responders and affected individuals benefit significantly from electric drives right away.

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A long shot of the RT from the side in front of a fire station in wintry conditions.

Invest in the future and benefit long-term.

Whether it's from a technical perspective or due to projected trends, the move towards E-Mobility is a step towards future security.

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Close-up of the ELECTRIC lettering on the radiator grille of the turntable ladder vehicle.

Revolutionary RT and RTX solutions around the globe.

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