Pioneers in

Basel-Stadt, the canton in the northwest of Switzerland bordering France and Germany, has earned this title. As early as 2019, the first all-electric police cars were introduced. And other authorities are also turning to electric drive.


A Look into the Future.

When acquiring new vehicles, the canton prioritizes alternative propulsion technologies. Exceptions are made only for significant reasons. In everyday life—especially in emergency services—there is only one reason: Suitability or operational capability must not be compromised. Fire departments are aware of the challenges of today and those that need to be addressed in the future. Therefore, the professional fire department of Basel opted for electric propulsion when acquiring new emergency vehicles.


All Good Things Come in Fours.

In 2019, a vehicle strategy was developed. In the course of this, staff were surveyed, needs were identified, and other fire departments around the world were consulted. Kai Ullwer, head of the department for operations and projects explains, "The most important thing: structural equality, so that different vehicles don’t cause confusion. Second, modernity in terms of operation, communication, and emissions. And third: The vehicle must be usable for all our purposes—we have industry, ships, urban, and rural areas." The RT best met all these requirements. Four RT-type emergency service vehicles were ordered and put into operation in 2023.


"We wanted a car from the user for the user."
Patrick Feuz, Squad Leader, Firefighting Instructor, and Project Manager, i.a., in vehicle procurement

Knowing What's Needed.

The working group around the 34-year-old Patrick Feuz was tasked with determining needs. As a squad leader himself "on the front lines," he knows exactly what is crucial in an operation. "We scientifically processed the collected data, but ultimately, the crew that deploys with the vehicle set the parameters." Low extraction heights, a cabin layout that improves communication and access to equipment, and low noise emissions were decisive factors.


Unbeatable Driving Dynamic.

"In a city like Basel, driving performance is very important. The RT accelerates extremely well, is also compact and maneuverable, which really matters with the many roundabouts and road narrowings," Kai adds. He also notes that full throttle after a cold start—which a fire department operation demands—is not ideal for combustion engines.


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