Why e-mobility in the firefighting industry?

We did not take the decision lightly. It was based on a number of factors that took both ecological and economic aspects into account. Here we would like to show why Rosenbauer considers e-mobility to be the right technology for the future of the firefighting industry.


Because it's about sustainability and environmental friendliness.

Emission reduction.

Electric drives cause no soot particle emissions and are locally emission-free in pure battery-electric operation. This is particularly important for emergency vehicles, which are often used in urban areas where air quality is a major concern.

Low noise.

Electric drives are significantly quieter than conventional combustion engines. This results in less noise pollution for the environment and increases the alertness and responsiveness of the emergency services.

Self-sufficient energy generation.

Electrical energy is the only form of energy that can be generated independently. Here we are thinking in the direction of holistic operations centers including photovoltaics and bidirectional energy management.

Because it's all about efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

High efficiency.

Electric drives are the most efficient drive solution. They have an efficiency of up to 88%, which is significantly higher than diesel or gasoline engines. This means that more of the energy used is actually converted into kinetic energy.

Low maintenance effort.

Electric motors have fewer moving parts than combustion engines, which leads to less wear and tear and lower maintenance requirements. This results in a longer service life and higher vehicle availability.

Energy recovery.

Another economic advantage is the possibility of energy recovery. During braking, the kinetic energy can be converted into electrical energy and stored, which increases overall efficiency.


Electrical energy storage systems can be recycled to a large extent and therefore cause only minor losses of raw materials. Recycling means that raw materials remain in the cycle and can be reused in new products.

“E-drive solutions will continue to establish themselves and will remain so in the future. Even if the energy supply continues to develop, hybrid technologies will emerge that rely on an e-drive architecture.”
Alexander Ronacher, Head of Innovation Technology and Research

Because it's about future security.

Long-term investment.

Fire department vehicles are generally procured every 20 - 30 years. During this period, e-mobility will continue to gain in importance. An investment in e-vehicles is therefore an investment in the future.

Political support.

Politicians are increasingly promoting environmentally friendly technologies. Public funds are increasingly being invested in sustainable projects, which also applies to municipal vehicles. This makes electric vehicles an attractive option for public institutions.

Because it's about social responsibility.

Climate change.

Our planet is experiencing climate change. As a society, we are all responsible for our future. For Rosenbauer, it is a matter of course to deal holistically with the future and specifically with this topic and to take countermeasures.

Support for the company.

E-mobility products also offer the possibility of supplying other electrical infrastructures with energy (vehicle-to-grid, grid replication in use). In this way, emergency organizations can support society and establish partial security of supply.

Because it's about technological progress.

Battery technology.

Battery technology is developing at breakneck speed. New batteries offer higher storage capacities and therefore longer ranges. This makes e-vehicles ever more powerful and versatile.

Alternative energy systems.

In addition to battery-based systems, other energy systems such as hydrogen and e-fuels are also being researched. These could serve as a supplement or alternative to batteries in the future, especially for longer distances.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Take the opportunity!