measured by the degree of efficiency.

A groundbreaking idea, born long before politics, media and society not just suggested but demanded a change in thinking. Rosenbauer has always been a trailblazer, an innovator and an outside-the-box thinker in disaster protection.

Efficiency: What does it actually mean?

The efficiency of a drive indicates how much of the energy used is actually converted into kinetic energy. A higher efficiency means that less energy is lost and the vehicle works more efficiently.


A comparison of drive types.

Diesel and gasoline engines.

Diesel engines have an efficiency of around 28% and are therefore more efficient than gasoline engines with an efficiency of around 19%. However, both drives cause high emissions and noise pollution.

LNG / gas engines.

At 14%, the efficiency of these drives is rather low. They are therefore also less efficient than conventional combustion engines. They also produce high emissions.

Fuel cells.

This technology achieves an efficiency of around 36%. They are more efficient than fossil-fuelled drives and produce lower emissions. However, the energy required to provide them is very high.


E-fuels have an efficiency of around 13%. They are a transitional technology and less efficient than other types of drive. In addition, the energy required for production is very high.

Electric drives.

Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) have the highest efficiency of up to 70 %. They are the most efficient drive solution and cause no local emissions. The energy required to supply them is also low.

How is the efficiency calculated?

The efficiency of a drive can be divided into two main components:

  • Well-to-Tank – this part includes the energy losses that occur during the extraction, processing and distribution of the energy carrier.
  • Tank-to-Wheel – this includes the energy losses that occur when the energy carrier is converted into kinetic energy in the vehicle.


The overall efficiency (well-to-wheel) is calculated by multiplying the two components.

Alternative energy sources and their potential.

In addition to e-mobility, there are of course other energy sources that need to be considered. We have compared the most important factors here:


  • Production: Obtained from water by electrolysis.
  • Use: Can be used directly in fuel cells or as a feedstock for e-fuels.
  • Advantages: CO2-neutral, versatile
  • Disadvantages: High energy consumption for production.


E-Gas (SNG)

  • Production: Methanation of hydrogen to a natural gas equivalent.
  • Use: Combustion in CNG engines.
  • Advantages: Use of existing infrastructure.
  • Disadvantages: Low efficiency.


Liquid E-Fuel

  • Production: Synthesis from CO2 and hydrogen electrolysis.
  • Use: Combustion in conventional engines.
  • Advantages: Long range, no infrastructure conversion necessary.
  • Disadvantages: Very high energy requirement, low efficiency.


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