Immediate impact
in action.

Firefighters worldwide literally walk through fire for us every day. They are there when we need them. And Rosenbauer is there for these people. Always striving to make operations even safer and more efficient.


Discover the power of silence.

Low-noise & locally emission-free.

During an operation, things often get hectic. Thanks to the innovative drive concept, additional stressors such as noise or poor air quality due to particulate emissions are eliminated. This enables more efficient intervention and preserves the environment.

Front view of the RT on a rural road at full speed.

Reliable powerhouse.

The electric motors accelerate linearly with minimal energy loss – i.e. they deliver power to the road even on steep inclines. Essential when every second counts. Additionally, external consumers can be powered on-site with the batteries. If the energy supply runs low, the Energy Backup System ensures smooth operation.

The RT drifting on a snow-covered surface at dusk.

Harvesting energy.

The electric motor has the ability to convert kinetic energy into electricity during braking. Energy that is normally lost as heat. E-mobility also offers the opportunity to operate the fleet largely autonomously. Where possible, the necessary energy for charging the vehicles can be obtained directly on-site at the headquarters through photovoltaic systems. This makes operations even more sustainable.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Take the opportunity!