Investing in the future.
Benefiting in the long term.

Let's take the future into our hands with sustainable technology that points us in the right direction. We continue to develop it, but we move forward boldly. Walk this path with us – future-fit and future-proof.


Sustainability has many faces.

Sustainable for the economy.

Electric drives require low maintenance. The long lifespan and high availability of individual components are also reflected in longer service intervals. Electric motors are simpler and more compact. Fewer parts equals less vibration. This makes these motors quieter in operation and also contributes to their longevity.

Front view of the RT with full lighting in a snowy environment at dusk.

Sustainable in technology.

The simple design of an electric motor, compared to traditional engines, makes it more efficient. Another benefit of having fewer moving parts: The unit is less prone to potential functional problems.

Sustainable investments.

The concept of environmental sustainability has also reached politics. Environmentally friendly technologies are welcomed and subsidized at municipal level, for example. International airports have set the goal of becoming CO2-neutral by 2030. So, if not now, when is the time to invest in alternative drive concepts?

Side close-up of the Rosenbauer RT against the light.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Take the opportunity!