Living sustainability in society.

E-mobility has a positive impact on sustainability in society. It reduces emissions, conserves resources and offers advantages through alternative usage options. With the continuous development of technology and the increasing use of renewable energies, e-mobility will play a central role in the sustainable development of our society. Rosenbauer relies on this future-proof technology to maximize the efficiency and environmental friendliness of its emergency vehicles and to serve as a role model for others.

Let's take responsibility.
Together for tomorrow.

The need for action is undisputed. Rosenbauer is aware of this responsibility - and has been for a long time. That's why we started to address issues relating to the environment, sustainability and resources at an early stage. We then harmonized our findings with the requirements of the firefighting industry: #TheAnswerIsElectric.

E-mobility offers benefits for society on a wide variety of levels that need to be exploited. We provide an overview once again.

E-mobility: advantages at a glance.

Alternative use.

Another advantage of e-mobility is the possibility of bidirectional use, such as vehicle-to-grid (V2G). This technology enables electric vehicles not only to draw energy from the grid, but also to feed surplus energy back into it. This helps to stabilize the electricity grid and promotes the integration of renewable energies

Self-sufficient energy generation.

Electrical energy can be generated independently, for example through photovoltaic systems. This makes it possible to become less dependent on fossil fuels and to make the energy supply more sustainable. Fire stations could, for example, be equipped with solar systems to charge their emergency vehicles.

Noise reduction.

Electric vehicles are very quiet. This leads to less noise pollution in cities and residential areas, which improves the quality of life for residents. Less noise also means that emergency services can react more attentively and quickly in emergency situations.


No local emissions.

Electric drives do not emit any harmful particles or gases during operation. This is particularly beneficial in urban areas, where air quality is often a major problem. The use of electric vehicles can significantly reduce air pollution.

Lower CO2 footprint.

The carbon footprint of electric vehicles is significantly better than vehicles with combustion engines. Even if the electricity mix does not yet consist entirely of renewable energies, the CO2 emissions of an electric vehicle are lower over its entire life cycle. This advantage will become even greater with the further expansion of renewable energies.

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